The Black Prince Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Did Bradley Pearson murder Arnold Baffin, or is he telling the truth when he says that Rachel Baffin killed her own husband in a jealous rage?
  2. The Black Prince explores at least two kinds of overwhelming jealousy—artistic jealousy and romantic jealousy. Which of the two does the novel suggest is more powerful?
  3. How closely does The Black Prince align with Shakespeare's Hamlet? What specific scenes and characters from Shakespeare's play are echoed in Iris Murdoch's novel?
  4. How many shout-outs to Shakespearian plays other than Hamlet can you catch throughout The Black Prince?
  5. Who is P. Loxias, really?
  6. Think of the great British actors who are living today. Who would you cast to play Bradley Pearson in a film adaptation of The Black Prince? What about Arnold and Rachel Baffin, Francis Marloe, Christian Evandale, and Priscilla Saxe?