Blazing Saddles Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #7

HEDLEY: Yes, the first man ever to appoint a black sheriff! Just think, sir—Washington, Jefferson...

Hedley Lamarr shows that he's a great manipulator when he convinces Governor Lepetomane to install Bart as the new sheriff of Rock Ridge. Of course, Hedley knows that the townsfolk will kill Bart because he's black. But he's more than happy to sacrifice Bart if it means getting a railroad built through the town.

Quote #8

BART: Ah, good morning, ma'am. And isn't it a lovely morning?

OLD WOMAN: Up yours, n*****!

When Bart first arrives at Rock Ridge, he takes people's racism with good cheer and tries to win them over. But pretty soon, he realizes just how tough this'll be when old women in the street are figuratively (and maybe literally) spitting in his face.

Quote #9

OLD WOMAN: Sorry about the "Up yours, n*****." I hope this apple pie will in some small way say thank you for your ingenuity and courage in defeating that horrible Mongo.

Once Bart saves Rock Ridge from the attack of Mongo, people in the town learn that they're better off with a black sheriff than they are with no sheriff at all. One old woman even apologizes for her racist comments to Bart. But this doesn't necessarily mean that the whole town is ready to grow up.