Cannery Row Visions of Monterey Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot. [ . . . ] Up in the back of the vacant lot is the railroad track and the Palace Flophouse. But on the left-hand boundary of the lot is the stern and stately whorehouse of Dora Flood (3.1)

Get out your colored pencils! It's super easy to draw a map of Cannery Row, probably because it's actually based on a real place. (Check out "Setting" for more of this.) You get the sense that people could actually live here—since they did.

Quote #8

Monterey is a city with a long and brilliant literary tradition (12.1)

Okay, when you read this sentence, did you think the chapter would end with a man picking sand out of the guts of an author? We didn't. When we hear stuff like "a long and brilliant literary tradition," we expect to hear a bit about all of the different great authors who've lived in the city. Here, most of the chapter is taken up with the fate of Josh Billings, but not a word about his writing. Very funny, Mr. Steinbeck.

Quote #9

There is a beautiful view from the Carmel grade, the curving bay with the waves creaming on the sand, the dune country around Seaside and right at the bottom of the hill, the warm intimacy of the town (13.2)

This is Mack's view when he wakes up next to the broken down Model T. Steinbeck doesn't get all squeamish about saying something is beautiful: from a distance, Cannery Row looks a lot more like a poem than a stink.