The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue & Frame Story Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used the line numbering found on Librarius's online edition.

Quote #10

In compaignye we wol have no debaat.
(Friar's Prologue 24)

The Host's definition of what makes a successful "company," or group of traveling companions, hinges upon a group in which there is no conflict or controversy. That's why here he asks the friar to stop insulting the Summoner. The Host often takes it upon himself to prevent further conflict from erupting among the pilgrims.

Quote #11

[…]"I se wel it is necessarie,
Wher that we goon, good drynke with us carie;
For that wol turne rancour and disese
T'acord and love, and many a wrong apese."

(Manciple's Prologue 95 – 98)

The Host's suggestion that alcohol is the best way to turn conflict and rancor into peace and accord is actually a little disturbing. If the only way to resolve conflict is really to drug people into a stupor (as the Manciple has done to the Cook), well, that suggests the conflicts go deeper than we might like to admit. If that's the case, true fellowship for these pilgrims may be impossible.