Catch-22 Passivity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

She didn't care about them a bit, and it upset them terribly. They shook her roughly each time she yawned. She did not seem to care about anything, not even when they threatened to throw her out the window. They were utterly demoralized men of distinction. She was bored and indifferent and wanted very much to sleep. (33.23)

The apathy of Nately's prostitute affects the German officers badly. They obtain no joy from her because she doesn't care what they do to her. So they are happy to get rid of her when the Americans arrive.

Quote #14

One of the three sitting men cursed pugnaciously and hurled a wine bottle down at Yossarian when he turned to look up. The bottle shattered harmlessly far away with a brief and muted noise. Yossarian continued walking away at the same listless, unhurried pace, hands buried in his pockets. (39.81)

Yossarian is so dazed and jaded by the many tragedies around him in Rome that he does not even stop to help the woman getting raped.