Admiration Quotes in Catching Fire

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm filled with awe, as I always am, as I watch her transform from a woman who calls me to kill a spider to a woman immune to fear. When a sick or dying person is brought to her . . . this is the only time I think my mother knows who she is. (8.39)

Katniss has a rocky relationship with her mother. She mentally abandoned her children when they were small and forced Katniss into taking responsibility for the family. In many situations Katniss' mother is afraid of even the tiniest thing. Yet when she's in the healing zone, she's "immune to fear." She can care for other people and even save their lives. This is pretty much the opposite of Katniss, who falls to pieces when a person she knows is hurt.

Quote #5

 . . . as we begin to glow, I can see people pointing at us and chattering, and I know that, once again, we'll be the talk of the opening ceremonies. (15.51)

Winning the Games isn't just about being the best; it's also about luck and looking the part. Peeta and Katniss know by now how to work the media – or at least their advisers do. Both Portia, Peeta's stylist, and Cinna seem to have a sixth sense about how to present their charges so they have the best chance of captivating the media and winning sponsors.

Quote #6

I forget the rest of the gym and the victors and how miserable I am and lose myself in the shooting. When I manage to take down five birds in one round, I realize it's so quiet I can hear each one hit the floor. I turn and see the majority of the victors have stopped to watch me. Their faces show everything from envy to hatred to admiration. (16.79)

Katniss has a special quality and talent going into the Games: she's a killer archer (pun intended). That makes her a formidable opponent and potential ally. The other tributes can all see it; their reactions differ, but they all want Katniss on their team.