Love Quotes in Catching Fire

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I begin to ache for them, for my district, for my woods. A decent woods with sturdy hardwood trees, plentiful food, game that isn't creepy. Rushing streams. Cool breezes. No, cold winds to blow this stifling heat away. I conjure up such a wind in my mind, letting it freeze my cheeks and numb my fingers, and all at once, the piece of metal half buried in the black earth has a name. (20.76)

Katniss' homesickness saves all of their lives here, triggering her knowledge of this special tool and how to use it. If she hadn't been thinking about the peaceful woods and refreshing weather of District 12, she never would have remembered how to use the little piece of metal that enabled her allies to find water when all hope seemed lost.

Quote #8

I look in his [Finnick's] eyes, at his face, and realize he's barely holding back tears. Mags. The least I can do is give him the privacy to mourn her. (22.24)

There's all kinds of love in this book, like the love Finnick has for Mags. Later we find out that Mags was Finnick's mentor, basically his version of Haymitch. Mags once saved Finnick's life, and he couldn't return the favor.

Quote #9

That's when I hear the scream. So full of fear and pain it ices my blood. And so familiar. I drop the spile, forget where I am or what lies ahead, only know I must reach her, protect her. I run wildly in the direction of the voice, heedless of danger, ripping through vines and branches, through anything that keeps me from reaching her.

From reaching my little sister. (23.79-80)

The whole reason Katniss went into the Games back in book one was to protect her sister. It was Prim's name called at the reaping, not Katniss'. Katniss sacrificed herself for Prim, and here she is doing the same thing all over again, with no thought for herself. At another point in the story, Katniss is ashamed for feeling a gut impulse to save herself. Here she can't even stop for shame or self-protection, she's so focused on getting to Prim.