Cathedral Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

How long had I been in my present position? (Three years.) Did I like my work? (I didn't.) Was I going to stay with it? (What were my options?) (1.45)

If we didn't have this passage, we wouldn't have a tangible reason for the narrator's dissatisfaction, other than the whole Robert thing. This makes him more human, and opens the reader to see him a little more sympathetically.

Quote #5

"It was like nothing in my life up to now" (3.45)

This sounds an awful lot like satisfaction to us. What we don't know is whether the feeling last beyond the moment. The big question is whether the narrator will be able to apply what he's learned to his real life. If he can, it will probably do a lot to improve his wife's satisfaction as well. Even if he can't, at least she'll see he's done all he can to make Robert comfy, and that's a good start.