Charlotte's Web Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Wilbur blushed. He stood perfectly still and tried to look his best.

"This magnificent animal," continued the loud speaker, "is truly terrific. Look at him, ladies and gentlemen! Note the smoothness and whiteness of the coat, observe the spotless skin, the healthy pink glow of ears and snout." (20.19-20)

Wilbur could be a mighty swell pig model. Know anyone who's hiring? This pig sure knows how to work a room—and we're guessing the buttermilk bath helped. So here's our question: was Wilbur always terrific, or did the extra attention make him terrific?

Quote #8

Wilbur had been feeling dizzier and dizzier through this long, complimentary speech. When he heard the crowd begin to cheer and clap again, he suddenly fainted away. His legs collapsed, his mind went blank, and he fell to the ground, unconscious. (20.25)

All this admiration can tucker a pig out. Wilbur is so overwhelmed by all the attention that he actually faints. In front of a huge crowd! This has us wondering if admiration may not be such a good thing all the time.

Quote #9

Nobody, of the hundreds of people that had visited the Fair, knew that a grey spider had played the most important part of all. (21.52)

Charlotte doesn't get much recognition. Actually, she doesn't get any recognition at all. Well, at least the narrator notices her and how important she is. Who else shows Charlotte the appreciation she deserves? (Need a hint? Check out the title of the book.)