The Cherry Orchard Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #7

TROFIMOV. Varya's afraid we may fall in love with each other and won't get away from us for days on end. Her narrow mind won't allow her to understand that we are above love. (2.145)

As usual, Trofimov lacks compassion for those around him. His idealistic, militant perspective keeps him from seeing the need that motivates others – in Varya's case, her loneliness.

Quote #8

VARYA. I can't propose to him myself, little mother. People have been talking about him to me for two years now, but he either says nothing, or jokes about it. I understand. He's getting rich, he's busy, he can't bother about me. (3.47)

Varya seems to be the character who is most trapped by external circumstances. She's stuck taking care of the estate. Why is it that Lopakhin is the only option for her marriage?

Quote #9

TROFIMOV As if I'd ever given her grounds to believe I'd stoop to such vulgarity! We are above love.

LUBOV. Then I suppose I must be beneath love. (4.53-54)

Trofimov claims that love is a waste of time. Lubov regards love as an overpowering force. Does Chekhov seem to believe one or the other?