Citizen Kane Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Citizen Cane.

Quote #7

KANE: See, Mom? I took the pipe out of his mouth. If it keeps on snowin', maybe I'll make some teeth and—

As a boy, all Charles Kane cares about is impressing his mother by talking about the snowman he just made. But his life is about to get a lot more complicated, because Mr. Thatcher from the bank has come to take him away.

Quote #8

MRS. KANE: Mr. Thatcher is going to take you on a trip with him tonight, Charles. You'll be leaving on Number Ten.

It's heartbreaking to see Mrs. Kane tell her son that he has to leave home forever. It's clear that the innocent young Charles doesn't really understand what's happening, so his mother tries to play on this innocence by telling him he'll get to ride on a train.

Quote #9

THATCHER: He certainly is. I wish I were a little boy and going to make a trip like that for the first time.

Even Thatcher tries to get in on the action when convincing little Charlie Kane that everything will be okay if he just leaves his family. But Thatcher can kid himself all he wants. It doesn't change the fact that leaving his family is really going to mess Charles up.