A Confederacy of Dunces Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Confederacy of Dunces? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The person who maintains that all policemen are communists is:

Claude Robichaux.
Burma Jones.
Q. "When she moved slightly, the great muscles of her nether cheeks rippled to life to prevent the stool from leaning and tottering even an inch." This quote refers to:

Lana Lee.
Mrs. Reilly.
Mark Twain.
Q. Of whom does Ignatius say that he "tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he found himself. His morality is rather rigid also"?

Burma Jones
Q. Who tells Ignatius, " Great Oedipus bonds are encircling your brain and destroying you"?

the cockatoo
Myrna Minkoff
Mrs. Reilly
Dr. Talc
Q. Miss Trixie keeps shouting:

"Space! The final frontier!"
"You're under arrest!"
"Oh, my God!"