A Confederacy of Dunces Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Confederacy of Dunces? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Officer Mancuso trapped in the bathroom is compared by the novel to:

Boethius imprisoned unjustly.
Mark Twain writing badly about the Mississippi.
Mickey Mouse trapped in the watch.
Ignatius trapped in the movie theater.
Q. Ignatius was conceived after his parents:

took a romantic trip to Niagara Falls.
were nearly killed by rabid walruses at the New Orleans zoo.
saw Clark Gable and Jean Harlow in Red Dust.
received a package of Lana Lee's pornographic pictures.
Q. Which of the following shows that Ignatius actually cares about money?

He decides to convert Levy Pants to Levy Shorts.
He accepts money from George in return for storing his package in the hot dog cart.
He at first refuses to work as a hot dog vendor.
He wins the lottery and creates a foundation for distressed cockatoos.
Q. Which of the following suggests that the novel values education?

Dr. Talc is the moral center of the novel.
Darlene conjugates Latin verbs while stripping atop a pile of Harvard deans.
Ignatius is only truly happy while watching art films.
There are tons of references to esoteric topics on virtually every page.
Q. The novel suggests sympathy with the Civil Rights movement by:

showing Ignatius leading a successful demonstration for higher wages.
showing how Burma Jones is treated unjustly.
having Myrna give a successful speech on Martin Luther King, Jr.
having Ignatius join a Black Power movement.