Coraline Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The picture they had in their own hallway showed a boy in old-fashioned clothes staring at some bubbles. but now the expression on his face was different – he was looking at the bubbles as if he was planning to do something very nasty indeed to them. (3.41)

This is a great detail, and it really helps to set the tone for the entire other world.

Quote #5

The house looked exactly the same from the outside. Or almost exactly the same: around Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's door were blue and red lightbulbs that flashed on and off spelling out words, the lights chasing each other around the door. (4.1)

This description makes the other world seem sort of fun, and images like this emphasize how Coraline could have been fooled by the other world. The other mother did a decent job of making it look cool, at first.

Quote #6

"I suppose. But if you're the same cat I saw at home, how can you talk?" (4.9)

Among the weird things in the other world is the fact that animals can talk. This difference turns out to be really important for Coraline, since it helps her find her only friend.