Coriolanus Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

I have some wounds upon me, and they smart
To hear themselves remembered. (1.8.32-33)

For someone who's so proud, Coriolanus can't stand to be praised in public by his peers. In fact, he sounds downright bashful here, don't you think?

Quote #5

You talk of pride. O,
that you could turn your eyes toward the napes
of your necks, and make but an interior survey of
your good selves! O, that you could! (2.1.38-41)

When the tribunes accuse Coriolanus of excessive pride, Menenius challenges them to take a good, hard look at themselves. Now, we don't always trust Menenius—but we think he has a point here.

Quote #6

God save your
good worships! Martius is coming home; he has
more cause to be proud.—Where is he wounded?
I' th' shoulder and i' th' left arm there will
be large cicatrices to show the people when he
shall stand for his place. He received in the repulse
of Tarquin seven hurts i' th' body. (2.1.149-155)

Who needs a LinkedIn page when your resume is on your body? According to Menenius and Volumnia, Coriolanus has a pretty good reason to be proud--the guy is Rome's best warrior and has saved the city from its enemies. He's got the scars to prove it.