Crime and Punishment Arkady Ivanovitch Svidrigaïlov Quotes

"Ugh! hang it! I believe it's a mouse," [Svidrigaïlov] thought, "that's the veal I left on the table." (6.6.37)

Svidrigaïlov's final "home" before he kills himself is the worst hotel room ever. It seems to mirror his cracked state.

[Svidrigaïlov:] "I've drunk too much though, I see that. I was almost saying too much again. Damn the wine! Hi! there, water!" (6.4.17)

Svidrigaïlov is so quotable. We've heard from Pulcheria that Svidrigaïlov had alcohol issues. But really, that's probably the least of his problems. Raskolnikov thinks Svidrigaïlov is being so talkative because he's had too much to drink. We bet that Svidrigaïlov isn't saying anything he doesn't want to say.