The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Resources

Movie or TV Productions

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 2008
The movie, starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, really is very different from Fitzgerald's story. The movie is set in a later time period, and nearly everything about the story, except for the fact that Benjamin ages backwards, is different. We definitely recommend that you watch it, but you probably shouldn't use it as a study tool.


It’s not "Benjamin Button," but it’s classic Fitzgerald
Slate’s audio book club revisits a Fitzgerald Favorite
Movie Poster

From the 2008 film

Screen shot

Brad Pitt at 70


Full Text Online

Read "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" before you see the movie. Or after.

A Fitzgerald Biography

Fairly detailed, timeline-style.

The F. Scott Fitzgerald Society

(You know you’ve made it when you have your own society.)