Cyrano de Bergerac Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

To sing, to laugh, to dream,
To walk in my own way and be alone,
Free, with an eye to see things as they are,
A voice that means manhood – to cock my hat
Where I choose—At a word, a Yes, a No,
To fight—or write. To travel any road
Under the sun, under the stars, nor doubt
If fame or fortune lie beyond the bourne—
Never to make a line I have not heard
In my own heart; yet, with all modest
To say: "My soul, be satisfied with flowers,
With fruit, with weeds even; but gather them
In the one garden you may call your own." (II.416-427)

Cyrano has a strong sense of self and the virtues he embodies. He is a man dedicated to freedom and to integrity. He is uncompromising in his devotion to feeding these virtues and to making himself "in all things admirable."

Quote #5

Oh, if I had words
To say what I have here!
If I could be
A handsome little Musketeer with eyes!—
Besides—you know Roxane—how sensitive—
One rough word, and the sweet illusion—gone!
I wish you might be my interpreter.
I wish I had your wit—
Borrow it, then!
Your beautiful young manhood—lend me that,
And we two make one hero of romance! (II.552-560)

Both men name distinct, characterizing aspects of the other’s identity that are enviable. Cyrano, realizing that Roxane wants both of these qualities—looks and wit—proposes that the two men merge their identities in her eyes and try to win her love together.

Quote #6

You do not love me any more—
CHRISTIAN (to whom CYRANO whispers his words)
Not any more—I love you… evermore…
And ever… more and more!
ROXANE (about to close the window—pauses.)
A little better…
CHRISTIAN (same business)
Love grows and struggles like… an angry child…
Breaking my heart… his cradle…
ROXANE (coming out on the balcony)
Better still—
But… such a babe is dangerous; why not
Have smothered it new-born?
CHRISTIAN (same business)
And so I do…
And yet he lives… I found… as you shall find…
This new-born babe…an infant… Hercules!
ROXANE (further forward)
CHRISTIAN (same business)
Strong enough… at birth… to strangle those
Two serpents—Doubt and… Pride.
ROXANE (leans over balcony.)
Why, very well!
Tell me now why you speak so haltingly—
Has your imagination gone lame?
CYRANO (thrusts CHRISTAN under the balcony, and stands in his place.)
This grows too difficult!
Your words to-night
Hesitate. Why?
CYRANO (in a low tone, imitating CHRISTIAN)
Through the warm summer gloom
They grope in darkness toward the light of you.
Roxane: My words, well aimed, find you more readily. (III.215-330)

Roxane clearly values words above all else in a man.