Dark Matter Resources


The Institute of Physics

Want to know as much about physics as Jason Dessen does? Click away.

Blake Crouch's Homepage

Welcome to your one-stop shop for all things Crouch.

Movie or TV Productions

Dark Matter

This film will give you your daily recommended amount of interdimensional travel—and then some.

Articles and Interviews

Barnes & Noble Interviews Blake Crouch

B&N doesn't just sell books; they also interview authors. Get with the program.

Five Practical Uses for "Spooky" Quantum Mechanics

If one of them is not cheating on your hubby with a parallel-universe version of your hubby, then that's a real waste. Er, wait…


Blake Crouch Speaks

Check out this video for some awesome insight into Crouch's writing process.

Get the Quantum Low-Down

Ready to get serious? Sit in on this quantum mechanics course from Stanford.


NPR Interviews Blake Crouch

Crouch dishes about his personal obsession with alternate realities.

The Spookiness of Quantum Mechanics

Why does everyone call quantum mechanics spooky? Did we miss a memo?


Schrödinger's Cat

Check out this image if you're still confused about the concept of Schrödinger's cat.

Hydrogen Wave Function

This is supposed to explain quantum mechanics in some way but—uh—your guess is as good as ours.