Dark Matter Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dark Matter? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is wrong with the parallel-universe Jason stuck inside the box?

He's gone crazy.
He does violent things.
He's missing limbs.
He's too handsome.
Q. Jason spends a significant amount of time as a _______ in one parallel universe.

Homeless man
Q. Which of the following is something that Daniela notices Jason2 doing differently?

Teaching his classes
Setting out his dishes
Dancing the tango
Q. How does Charlie help his father defeat Jason2?

By using karate
By giving Jason a weapon
By attacking Jason2
By distracting Jason2
Q. Jason finds out about the other Jasons while _______.

In an online chat room
Staking out his home
Meeting with Daniela
At a Twilight convention