Dark Water Chapter 32 Summary

  • Pearl waits until Robby leaves the house so she doesn't have to deal with his questions, then she goes to Agnès and gives her the envelope of cash from Amiel.
  • Agnès is surprised. She didn't expect to be repaid, and she feels responsible for the workers; Pearl explains that Amiel didn't want to be dependent on anybody.
  • When Agnès asks Pearl about her relationship with Amiel, she swears up and down that nothing is going on between them.
  • It's pretty much true now that Amiel shot her down last night.
  • Agnès can tell there's more to the story, and says as much, but doesn't press Pearl for more info.
  • She invites Pearl and her mom over for dinner, but Pearl informs her that they've already got food in the croc pot.
  • (This is a lie of course, but it works.)