Dark Water Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


When it comes to romance, Pearl doesn't mind a little kiss and tell. She fills us in on the details of her relationship with Amiel:

I touched with my finger the black disk on the hollow of his neck, he kissed my mouth and my neck and my eyes, and for the time that he held me there in the circle he'd drawn, what I wanted and what I had were the same. (39.28)

Things are heating up for the two lovebirds, but they don't go all the way. In fact, it takes a long time for them to even make-out, so when they do, it's plenty of excitement for the young lovers. Still, the book gives us plenty of details about how Pearl feels when Amiel touches her hand or pulls her in for a kiss, and that gives us a PG-13 rating. The rest is left to our imagination.