Daughter of Smoke & Bone Chapter 25 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Never Peace

  • After she arrives back in Prague, Karou goes to knock on Brimstone's charred door. No answer.
  • She returns to her apartment, where Akiva watches her sleep. Because girls love being watched while they're sleeping. Yikes.
  • He thinks back to the last time he watched a girl sleep (yes, he's a serial sleep-watcher).
  • That girl's name was Madrigal. She had wings, and she let him touch her while she slept.
  • Akiva wonders, "What was it that made these memories of Madrigal rise so thick and fast?"
  • Unable to tear his eyes away from Karou, Akiva broods about his family a bit, and wonders if he's a monster.
  • He's gone when Karou wakes up in the morning.