Death Comes for the Archbishop Themes

Death Comes for the Archbishop Themes


The entire plot of Death Comes for the Archbishop centers on Father's Jean Marie Latour's attempts to establish a new Catholic district in New Mexico, so religion is pretty much the #1 theme. Latou...

Language and Communication

Father Latour is a French-speaking man who has moved to a Spanish-speaking part of the English-speaking United States. And did we mention that most of the people in New Mexico are Native Americans...


New Mexico ain't exactly a fancy terrace in Paris, especially at the midpoint of the 19th century. The land is harsh and filled with bandits and tons of other people who'd kill you just for looking...


It's pretty clear in the laws of Catholicism that priests should be morally upright men who always follow the church's rules and never exploit their power over others. Unfortunately, that's not how...


In Death Comes for the Archibishop, New Mexico is a meeting point for a lot of different races and cultures, including Native Americans, Mexicans, and Europeans. That means that you've got a lot of...


With a title like Death Comes for the Archbishop, it's probably not surprising that this book features mortality as one of its biggest themes. But what's most interesting about Cather's use of deat...


Sure, Father Latour and Father Vaillant move to North America because they're looking for some adventure; but their main reason is to fulfill their deep-seated sense of duty toward the Catholic Chu...

Visions of New Mexico

If you look closely at the text of Death Comes for the Archbishop, you'll notice that Willa Cather spends a painstaking amount of time describing the New Mexico landscape and all of the ways that p...