Death in the Woods Section 2 Summary

  • They marry and have two kids: a daughter, who dies young, and a son. The boy takes after his old man in all of the worst ways.
  • Although she's no longer a servant, Mrs. Grimes' life is still spent "feeding something," whether that be her hubby, her son, or her livestock (2.2).
  • Often, Mrs. Grimes is left alone for weeks on end while the two men hustle for cash. Although she's only around forty years old, the stress is making her look as ancient as the Cryptkeeper.
  • It's the depths of winter. Mrs. Grimes is heading into town with a sack on her back and a few loyal pups at her heels. She's on her way to the butcher shop. This sounding familiar to you?
  • The butcher is, in fact, a pretty nice dude. He gives her some extra food, but is sure to talk some smack about Mrs. Grimes' son and husband before she leaves.