Death in the Woods Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Although Sherwood Anderson's radio and film appearances have been lost to time, our elite team of Shmoop researchers (Shmoopsearchers, for short) have discovered this transcript of him being interviewed with Amelia Earhart in 1936, exactly nine months before she disappeared. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.

According to prominent Sherwood Anderson expert Will Schuck, many of the events of "Death in the Woods" are culled from Anderson's own life. Like the narrator, Anderson did come across the frozen body of an old woman in the woods and did once get surrounded by a pack of wild dogs. In fact, Anderson did a bunch of research on the behavior of wild dogs before completing the story.

Did you think that one girl who quit her job via interpretive dance did it with style? She doesn't have anything on our boy Sherwood Anderson. Anderson worked at an advertising agency for a long time, finally quitting to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. But he quit in the coolest way possible: he wrote a letter to his boss demanding that Mr. Sherwood Anderson be fired, and, if not, he will fire him himself. That'll show 'em!

You remember that Hemingway guy? We're pretty sure his name is Edward, or Ernie, or something like that. You know—the one with the cats? Well, it turns out that he actually took writing tutorials from one Sherwood Anderson while in Paris. That kid's got a bright future—he's going to be a star someday.