Deconstruction Texts - Hélène Cixous and Jacques Derrida, Veils (1998, 2001)

This kooky, co-authored text is quite something. It's interesting to see Derrida at work in dialogue with someone else. And writing in an autobiographical vein.

Not that Derrida didn't delve into autobiography in some of his other texts. But, for what it's worth, we find Veils to be the most beautiful of Derrida's self-focused talk. See if you agree.

And while you're hittin' those books, muse on this:

  1. Derrida's Judaism figures prominently in Veils. Does his portion of the text give you any ideas about how his religious background might have informed his other, more strictly philosophical work?
  2. More generally, what does Veils make you think about the relationship between philosophy and autobiography?