Don Juan Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Canto.Stanza)

Quote #4

So first there was a generous emulation,
And then there was a general competition,
To undertake the orphan's education (12.30)

When Don Juan first shows up in England with a young girl he adopted, everyone tries to win Don Juan over by offering to tutor his little friend. This is just one of the many crafty ways that women try to seduce him. Luckily he's educated enough in the world's ways to see through them.

Quote #5

For a young gentleman's fit education,
Though she was far from that leap year, whose leap,
In female dates, strikes Time all of a heap (14.52)

Lady Adeline knows that young Don Juan is uneducated in the ways of the world, so she decides she's going to take him under her wing to protect him from aggressive women. We're pretty sure Don Juan knows how to look out for himself by this point.

Quote #6

The Lady Adeline resolved to take
Such measures as she thought might best impede
The farther progress of this sad mistake. (14.61)

Lady Adeline is pretty aggressive about steering Don Juan's life in the right direction. She even tries to control which women he talks to so she can push him toward the ones she approves of.