Dr. Heidegger's Experiment Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

The precious Water of Youth flowed in a bright stream across the floor, moistening the wings of a butterfly, which, grown old in the decline of summer, had alighted there to die. The insect fluttered lightly through the chamber, and settled on the snowy head of Dr. Heidegger. (42)

Only now, at the end of the story, do we hear of Dr. Heidegger's physical appearance – his "snowy head" and, shortly after this passage, "withered lips." For Heidegger, being old is about his venerability and his wisdom, not his aging body. The four guests, however, understand age in a physical way, and so the descriptions we get of them are focused on their bodies.

Quote #8

In truth they had. The Water of Youth possessed merely a virtue more transient than that of wine. The delirium which it created had effervesced away. Yes! they were old again. (50)

The transience of the elixir's effect may be a comment on the transience of youth.