The Island of Dr. Moreau Man & the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Every shadow became something more than a shadow,—became an ambush; every rustle became a threat. Invisible things seemed watching me. (9.7)

The natural world terrifies our imaginations. We may consider ourselves the dominant species on the planet, but usually only when we're nice and sheltered in our dens in front of TVs screening Planet Earth in HD. Without our guns—and today without our ipods and AC—the natural world can inflict a pretty good beating on our perception of superiority.

Quote #5

A twig snapped behind me and there was a rustle. I turned and stood facing the dark trees. I could see nothing—or else I could see too much. Every dark form in the dimness had its ominous quality, its peculiar suggestion of alert watchfulness. (9.23)

Prendick sees the true relationship between man and nature. We think we have conquered nature, but in truth, it will always kick our butts if we have to face it alone. Not to mention that it's miles ahead in terms of creepiness…

Quote #6

I perceived that I was hungry, and prepared to clamber out of the hammock which, very politely anticipating my intention, twisted round and deposited me upon all-fours on the floor. (10.16)

The need for food and water links us forever to the natural world. Wells has a little fun here by having Prendick's hunger cause him to end up on all-fours like an animal. Good thing no one caught him. It's technically against the Law.