Dracula Resources


The Literary Gothic

This website has a lot of good links about Bram Stoker, Dracula, and film adaptations of the novel.

Stoker Concordance

This is a concordance that allows you to search e-texts of the works of Bram Stoker. This is very useful if you're trying to find a passage as you're writing an essay, but can't remember which chapter it was from.

The Victorian Web

This website is full of useful links, biographies, and articles for students studying the Victorian period.

The Town of Whitby

The town of Whitby is a real-life place in North Yorkshire, England. The town has capitalized on its association with the famous novel. Check out the town's website, especially the links having to do with Dracula.

Movie or TV Productions

Nosferatu, 1922

This is the first film adaptation of Dracula. Unfortunately, the director, F.W. Murnau, didn't have copyright permission to make it. Even though he changed the names of the major characters and set the story in Germany, instead of in England, it's still obviously an adaptation of Stoker's novel.

Stoker's widow, Florence, ended up suing the company that made the film. The lawsuit required that all copies of the movie be destroyed. Fortunately for film history, though, some copies of it escaped, so we're still able to watch it. Nosferatu is where the idea that vampires can't survive the sunlight came from—that's not actually part of Stoker's novel.

Dracula, 1931

This is the version of Dracula that we usually think of—the vampire, played by Bela Lugosi, is tall, pale, clean-shaven, and wears a long black cloak with a tall collar. Modern Halloween costumes follow Lugosi's lead.

Nosferatu the Vampyre, 1979

This version, directed by Werner Herzog, is partly an homage to the 1922 Murnau version.

Dracula, 1979

This version of Dracula is based on a popular stage version. Its star-studded cast includes Frank Langella as Dracula and Lawrence Olivier as Van Helsing.

Dracula, 1992

This is Francis Ford Coppola's adaptation—in some ways, it stays very close to Bram Stoker's novel, but the depiction of Mina Murray is pretty far from Stoker's. The cast includes Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Anthony Hopkins, and Keanu Reeves.

Riviews, Articles, and Books

Article About a 2009 Sequel to Dracula

This sequel, titled The Undead (which was Stoker's original title for Dracula), was written by a descendent of Bram Stoker.

2009 Graphic Novel "Sequel" to Dracula

Bram Stoker's Dracula continues to inspire! This is a news blurb about a graphic novel, titled Harker, that's described as a sequel to Stoker's Dracula. Read it and let us know what you think of it!

Why Are Vampires So Popular?

This article in The Week magazine looks at the history of vampires in popular culture.

"The Occidental Tourist: Dracula and the Anxiety of Reverse Colonization"

Stephen Arata's influential critical article about Dracula and foreignness. It's linked through JSTOR so you'll probably need to access it from a library computer.

"'Kiss Me with Those Red Lips': Gender and Inversion in Bram Stoker's Dracula"

This is an important article on gender in Dracula, by Christopher Craft. Another article linked through JSTOR.

"'Dracula': Stoker's Response to the New Woman"

This article by Carol Senf looks at the role of the "New Woman" in Dracula. You can access it through JSTOR.

"Technologies of Monstrosity: Bram Stoker's Dracula"

This article by Judith Halberstam explores the role of technology in Bram Stoker's Dracula. You can access it through JSTOR.

Inventing the Addict: Drugs, Race, and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century British and American Literature

This book by Susan Zieger is about addiction and drug use in 19th-century literature. There's an interesting chapter about Dracula, so you should check it out from your library.


Portrait of Bram Stoker

This is a photo of Stoker as an adult.

Bram Stoker's Birthplace

This is an image of the sign on the house where Stoker lived in Dublin, Ireland.

The Houston Ballet's Dracula

This is an image from the Houston Ballet's 1997 premiere of a ballet version of Dracula.

Vlad the Impaler

Here's a portrait of Vlad the Impaler, the Romanian prince who was (sort of) the inspiration for the character of Count Dracula.