Dreaming in Cuban Chapter 11: Celia's Letters: 1950-1955 Summary

  • Celia reveals that her evil mother-in-law cursed her on her deathbed. Perhaps the reason for the ill luck all these years?
  • She advises Gustavo in one of her letters to be a good father to his children, to be tender to them, because she has observed that Jorge is a hard man.
  • Though she tries to make it up to Javier, who suffers the most, she senses that the boy has withdrawn from her, too.
  • Celia talks about her political convictions and actions, from the time before the Cuban Revolution when Batista was in control of the country. She and Felicia paste up propaganda posters but are rebuked by fellow citizens.
  • She reveals that she's already having trouble with Felicia, who has left high school to become a prostitute in Havana. Lourdes still dislikes her for Celia's coldness to her when she was little.
  • She tells Gustavo that Javier and Felicia are both trying to find a space for themselves in the world, but she sees that they are failing. Javier has intellect, but not purpose.
  • Celia reveals to Gustavo that she still feels the pain of his absence after 21 years.
  • This collection of letters ends with Celia heralding the beginning of the Revolution with great optimism.