Dreaming in Cuban Chapter 15: Celia's Letters: 1956-1958 Summary

  • Celia opens this passel of letters with news of Rufino's courtship of Lourdes. Celia approves of him, but Jorge is jealous.
  • She reflects on the last time she saw Gustavo and thinks that perhaps it was best that they parted so that she didn't have to see him grow old and indifferent.
  • We learn that Rufino's family is quite different from him: they are wealthy and entitled, whereas Rufino is a worker. They keep Rufino's racially unacceptable grandmother locked up in the house.
  • There are clashes over Lourdes' and Rufino's wedding, with the wealthier side winning out.
  • The Revolution is in full swing and the rebels are attacking. Jorge worries about his job with the American company.
  • Celia ends with the news that she is going to be a grandmother.