Power Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Halleck stirred, said: "I think what rankles, Sire, is that we've had no volunteers from the other Great Houses. They address you as 'Leto the Just' and promise eternal friendship, but only as long as it doesn't cost them anything." "They don't know yet who's going to win this exchange," the Duke said. "Most of the Houses have grown fat by taking few risks. One cannot truly blame them for this; one can only despise them." (12.65-66)

In politics, money equals power, because it's the resource any politician worth her salt pays the most attention to. Since it'll cost others money to help Leto, you can bet none of them will do it. Might we suggest a change of career, Leto?

Quote #5

The action had taken, also, a knowledge of personal power. Water was, indeed, power here. (16.48)

Bewt sells water on Arrakis. Since water equals power, that means that Bewt gets a lot of power by proxy. It's just like how Kim Kardashian has a lot of pull in our society because she… does… whatever it is she does.

Quote #6

"The way to control and direct a Mentat, Nefud, is through his information. False information — false results." (26.58)

Information is power, especially if you can get away give false information. Judge for yourself by checking out these amazing, and successful, historical lies.