East of Eden True or False

1. Who says, "They looked at me and thought they knew about me. And I fooled them. I fooled every one of them. And when they thought they could tell me what to do—oh! that's when I fooled them best"? -> Cathy
2. Who says, "But 'Thou mayest'! Why, that makes a man great, that gives him stature with the gods, for in his weakness and his filth and his murder of his brother he has still the great choice. He can choose his course and fight it through and win"? -> Adam
3. Who says, "Don't make me mean. I don't want to be. If you will let everybody like me, why, I'll give you anything in the world, and if I haven't got it, why, I'll go for to get it. I don't want to be mean. I don't want to be lonely"? -> Abra
4. About whom does Abra say this: "He wanted the story and he wanted it to come out his way. He couldn't stand to have it come out any other way"? -> Aron
5. About whom does Lee say this: "She is a mystery. It seems to me that she is not like other people. There is something she lacks. Kindness maybe, or conscience. You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself. And I can't feel her"? -> Kate
