Fathers and Sons Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1971 TV Mini-Series
One of the only film productions of Fathers and Sons. This one's pretty obscure, but many later films and mini-series that borrowed the name didn't actually tell the same story.


Turgenev Overview

A look at the writer's life and role in Russian and European literature.

Turgenev and Nihilism

A literary blog on how Turgenev deals with Nihilism and ideology in the novel.

Full Text Online

Bartleby.com provides the full text of Fathers and Sons for free.


NPR Praise

An excellent reading of Fathers and Sons on NPR, complete with a short essay on why the novel is a must-read.

A Take on Nihilism

A popular radio station takes a crack at defining nihilism (a more broad philosophy than that just identified in Fathers and Sons).



A portrait of this giant of Russian literature.

Bazarov Confesses to His Love

Shot of an intense-looking Bazarov confessing to his love for Anna Sergeyevna in a stage production.


What Britannica Has to Stay
Link to Britannica entries on historical context, author's background, and the novel itself.