Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt)’s Timeline and Summary

Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt)’s Timeline and Summary

  • We see a few subliminal blips of Tyler before our narrator officially meets him on a plane.
  • When he gets a call from the narrator asking for a place to stay, Tyler kindly obliges.
  • But first, they get into a fistfight in the parking lot of a bar. Why? Because Tyler wants to.
  • This eventually becomes fight club, which Tyler grows without our narrator knowing.
  • While this is happening, Tyler starts sleeping with Marla Singer and making soap. Not at the same time. We hope.
  • After Tyler gives our narrator a chemical burn as a form of brand, he upgrades fight club to Project Mayhem.
  • What is Project Mayhem? The first rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask about Project Mayhem.
  • It turns out that Tyler and our narrator are the same person. Yikes.
  • Tyler tries to stop, um, himself, from stopping his plan to blow up credit card companies, but when our narrator shoots himself in the face, Tyler disappears for good.