Narrator/Jack (Edward Norton)’s Timeline and Summary

Narrator/Jack (Edward Norton)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Our narrator has a gun in his mouth, held there by Tyler Durden.
  • He flashes back to how he got to this point:
  • It all started when he started attending support groups for diseases/ issues that he doesn't have.
  • At one of these groups he meets Marla, who also doesn't belong there.
  • When his apartment explodes, our narrator calls Tyler Durden, whom he met on a business trip, and moves in with him.
  • The two men start fight club.
  • Our narrator starts to get jealous as Tyler expands fight club without him, eventually evolving it into Project Mayhem.
  • He gets to the bottom of Project Mayhem, and finds out that he is actually in charge of it. He is Tyler Durden. Le gasp!
  • Our narrator/Tyler tries to stop the big plan to blow up some buildings.
  • He succeeds in dismantling one bomb and "killing" Tyler by shooting himself in the face. We're not sure how it works, but it does.
  • Marla shows up just as other buildings explode. They hold hands and watch society collapse. How romantic!