Forgotten Fire Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Forgotten Fire.

The Home Quotes

For the first time in my life, I was hungry and there was no food, I was thirsty and there was no water. I knew then as I had not known before that the room was real and that my home and my room an...

Hope Quotes

I do not remember that meal very well. I am sure that Diran, conscious of his role as the oldest son and being a natural leader and optimist, said something to raise our spirits and give us hope. (...

Isolation Quotes

We made a point of never mentioning him, fearing, I suppose, that his life hung by a thread and that any expression of uncertainty on our part would condemn him to death. (3.17)

Innocence Quotes

I was not told any details (I was never told any details), so it was only my father shaking his head, the dinner table quiet, Uncle Mumpreh talking urgently and quietly to my grandmother. (2.5)

Suffering Quotes

"If there is any trouble," he said, "take the poison and it will all be over." No one asked him what kind of trouble could be worse than death. They all seemed to know. (4.23)

Identity Quotes

In the outside world I thought of myself as a grown man, independent of my family, but in my own home I was merely a twelve-year-old boy who had been frightened by my father's absence. (3.7)

Freedom and Confinement Quotes

But this time was different. This time I sensed that something might be wrong, and every time I'd start to enjoy my freedom, I'd see my father being led away by the gendarmes. (3.6)

Patriotism Quotes

As far as an Armenian from Bitlis was concerned, Bitlis was the center of the world: Her mountains were the highest, her soil the most fertile, her woman the loveliest, her men the bravest, her lea...