Franny and Zooey Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Who in hell is Lane?" he asked. Unmistakably, it was the question of a still very young man who, now and then, is not inclined to admit that he knows the first names of certain people. (Zooey.5.23)

Zooey, despite his spirituality and wisdom, still has the pride and arrogance of a typical young man.

Quote #8

"Go ahead," Zooey said, dragging on his cigar. "I'll interpret for you."

She shuddered. "It was just horrible. So spidery. I've never had such a spidery nightmare in my entire life."

"Spiders, eh? That's very interesting. Very significant. I had a very interesting case in Zurich, some years back – a young person very much like yourself, as a matter of fact –" (Zooey.12-14)

Salinger is clearly mocking Freudian analysis here. Such dream analysis was a part of the pop culture mainstream at the time.