The Graveyard Book Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“Teeth so strong they can crush any bones, and tongue sharp and long enough to lick the marrow from the deepest marrowbone or flay the flesh from a fat man’s face” (3.140).

The ghouls have some really disgusting skills and behaviors, all related to them eating dead stuff.

Quote #5

The noise got louder – a scuttling sort of scuffling noise – and while Nick Farthing had no idea what it was, he was utterly, completely certain that whatever it would turn out to be would be the most scary terrible thing he ever – would ever – encounter. (6.214)

Bod can get inside your head while you’re sleeping and control your dreams! We don’t know if he’ll keep this skill with him when he leaves the graveyard, or if it’s just part of having Freedom of the Graveyard.

Quote #6

I can learn everything I need to know, all I can. I learned about ghoul-gates. I learned to Dreamwalk. Miss Lupescu taught me how to watch the stars. Silas taught me silence. I can Haunt. I can Fade. I know every inch of this graveyard. (7.31)

When Bod learns his family was murdered and begins thirsting for revenge, he decides he needs to work much harder at developing all his strengths and skills. It’s going to be one big fight to get revenge.