Grimms' Fairy Tales Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Tale.Page)

Quote #7

The village priest had taken a liking to the farmer's wife and kept wishing he could spend one whole day alone with her in pleasure. The woman would have liked that too. (Old Hildebrand.321)

Even priests aren't always holy in these tales. In fact, sometimes they're cads and deserve the punishments that the protagonists dole out. Did we mention religion was a mixed bag in Grimms'?

Quote #8

"If the devil comes home and finds you, it will cost you your neck." (The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs.104)

Not only does the devil want your soul, he also wants to eat you! Sounds like a great guy.

Quote #9

"If you hire yourself out to me and will be my servant," the devil said, "you'll have enough for the rest of your life. But you've got to serve me seven years, and after that you'll be free." (The Devil's Sooty Brother.337-338)

The devil's not all bad once you get on his good side. So we end up getting a pretty multifaceted image of the devil (like all religious figures) in these tales. What are some other tales that feature the devil? And what kind of impression do you get of the guy?