Grimms' Fairy Tales Religion Quotes

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Quote #1

Once upon a time there was a hermit who lived in the forest at the foot of a mountain, and he passed the time by praying and doing good deeds. To honor God he would carry several pails of water up the mountainside each evening. Since there was always a hard wind that dried out the air and soil in the mountain peak, many an animal was able to quench its thirst because of the water he carried, and many a plant was refreshed. (The Three Green Twigs.590)

The best Christians, it's implied, lead a Christ-like life, devoid of, say, running water. We hope they're not too attached to fancy things like toilet paper.

Quote #2

"My!" exclaimed the Jew. "What's the sense of all this fiddling? Please stop all this fiddling, sir. I have no desire to dance." The servant kept playing nevertheless, for he thought, You've skinned plenty of people, so now the thorns will give you some of your own treatment in return. (The Jew in the Thornbush.368)

Holy anti-Semitism, Batman! This tale, along with a few others in the Grimms, expresses the negative attitudes that many European Christians held toward Jews, representing them as shrewd and deserving of punishment. It ain't pretty, but that's history.

Quote #3

Then she fell to her knees, called out to the Lord, and prayed. Suddenly an angel appeared who closed one of the locks in the stream so the moat became dry and she could walk through it. Now she went into the garden accompanied by the angel. She caught sight of a beautiful tree of pears… she approached the tree and ate one of the pears with her mouth to satisfy her hunger. (The Maiden Without Hands.110)

Even if your dad chops off your hands, the Lord will take care of you. Just, like, pray and stuff. Later in the tale, God even restores her hands, demonstrating that faith pays off.