Heart of a Samurai Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Plum Duff—it is best food on whale ship," Manjiro said.

"Oh, you mean plum duff."

"That's what I said."

"No, you said 'prumuduffu.'" (3.16.11-14)

Manjiro's telling Terry, his new white friend, the name of his horse, Plum Duff. It's a testament to Manjiro's patience that he's able to deal with Terry's mimicry of Manjiro's Japanese accent. But maybe it's also because Terry isn't exactly making fun of Manjiro—he's just open and blunt. He does hear an accent and he can't quite understand it and he isn't afraid to point it out. So maybe Manjiro's just cool with Terry's honesty.