Heart of a Samurai True or False

1. Who calls Manjiro "little slant eyes"? -> Captain Whitfield
2. Who gets all miffed with Manjiro and says, "You neglect to bow. Just now— you did not acknowledge me"? -> Captain Whitfield
3. Who says this to Manjiro: "'Yer a heap of trouble, ye filthy, spying Chinaman…. Eating our lobscouse, drinkin' our water. Yer nothing' but an ignorant pagan'"? -> Jolly
4. Who gives this small spiel on equality: "'Why there should be such a thing as a separate pew for colored people—honestly! And in palace of worship that claims to believe in equality for all. I hope we live to see the day when such notions are abolished—along with our country's deplorable institution of slavery'"? -> Mrs. Whitfield
5. Who says, in response to a comment that the weather is changing, "As is the world"? -> Captain Whitfield
