Her Kind Resources


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Anne Sexton

The Modern Poetry Project at Illinois does some seriously good work. Their links on Sexton include a chronology, a bibliography, and excerpts from several critics' takes on her poetry. Too good to be true? We thought so, too!

The Poet's Life

For a quick and dirty bio of Anne Sexton, look no further! Poets.org has got you covered.

An Anne Sexton Lovefest

You know you've made it big when the Poetry Society of America dedicates an Entire Conference to talking about you. Here's some of the outtakes from the papers given in honor of Anne Sexton.


Poetry in the Home (Anne Sexton's Home, That Is)

We've got to admit, Anne Sexton is fun to watch! Here's a clip of her reading in her own home – complete with dogs barking, people interrupting, and the oh-so-cool poet herself. Want more? Don't worry – there's a whole series of YouTube videos of Sexton's life.

Sexton Reading "Her Kind"

An early video recording of Sexton reading our very own poem, "Her Kind." Oh, and pictures of Sexton as a model. Aww, YouTube. You're just too good!


Anne Sexton Reads "Her Kind"
Think that the poem itself is a bit spooky? Wait until you hear Sexton's own version of it!


Anne Sexton, International Star

What can we say? The woman's got class! Here's a picture of Sexton in the '60s.

Poet or Movie Star?

It's sometimes hard to tell! Here's Sexton in her library.


Can't Get Enough of Anne Sexton?

Check out the full collection of her poetry here.

Anne Sexton's Life and Times

Sexton may have produced some amazing poetry, but it often emerged out of a deeply troubled life. Find out more about the pressures which drove Sexton to the page in her biography.

…And More Life and Times

Haven't gotten enough yet? Really? Well, then, there's just one thing for you: Sexton's letters – gathered here with the provocative title "Anne Sexton: A Self-Portrait in Letters."