Herzog Themes

Herzog Themes


The life of Moses E. Herzog doesn't offer a ringing endorsement for marriage. The guy's been divorced twice and neither relationship ended even nicely. It's not as though Herzog is saying that marr...


One thing that nearly all of Herzog's friends have in common is that they always give Herzog tough love. There's really no one (except maybe Ramona and Sono) who sugarcoats bad news for Herzog. His...


It's fair to say that Moses Herzog has had a complicated family life, both as an adult and as a child. For starters, he's been divorced twice and both his ex-wives hate his guts. Also, he grew up w...


It might not seem like it, but Herzog is a book about love. Sure, sometimes it's a book about the absence of love, but love is still the major theme even when it's nowhere to be found. Moses Herzog...


When your wife kicks you out and starts seeing your best friend, your pride is going to get bruised pretty badly. In fact, you could argue that the entire plot of Herzog revolves around Herzog's at...


Sex is a big part of Moses Herzog's life, especially as he gets older and wonders about how much good sex he still has in front of him. His ego is, erm, inflated when a beautiful woman named Ramona...


Moses Herzog has issues with women and, as you can imagine, these issues are always connected to how he thinks of himself as a man. After all, when a guy looks at a pretty woman on a subway platfor...


Let's face it: Herzog is a superficial guy who judges men and women alike by their physical appearance. That doesn't mean he's a bad dude, but it does mean that he makes a lot of bad decisions base...