Louisiana Purchase Treaty: Compare and Contrast

Louisiana Purchase Treaty: Compare and Contrast

Letter from Rufus King to James Madison

How did Jefferson and friends find out that Spain had ceded Louisiana back to France in 1800? Well, there were rumors, but when Secretary of State James Madison received this letter from Rufus King...

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Robert R. Livingston

Anyone wondering how POTUS Jefferson felt about France's ownership of the Louisiana Territory really need look no further than this letter to Robert R. Livingston from April 18th, 1802.Hint: he was...

Sen. Samuel White During Senate Debates on Louisiana Purchase

It wasn't a given that Congress would ratify the Louisiana Purchase documents once they arrived on Thomas Jefferson's desk. In fact, there were some people who were super concerned about the whole...

"Third Annual Message," Thomas Jefferson

When Robert R. Livingston, James Monroe, and François de Barbé-Marbois put together the whole Louisiana Purchase packet, they stressed that the treaty and conventions needed to be ratified within...

Letter from Robert R. Livingston to James Madison

Ever asked someone the same question over and over and not gotten a satisfactory answer? Irritating, isn't it?But that's what Robert R. Livingston was dealing with while on assignment in Paris. Eve...

The Gadsden Purchase (June 8th, 1854)

By the mid-19th century, the United States had expansionist fever, fueled by a concept called Manifest Destiny, which was the idea that it was the destiny of the United States to own and occupy the...

Alaska Purchase (October 18th, 1867)

Getting an even sweeter deal than the Louisiana Territory, the United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for a fire sale price of 2 cents per acre. Similar political dynamics motivated this s...