Ernst Rudolph Johannes Reuter in Tear Down This Wall

Basic Information

Name: Ernst Reuter

Nickname: Looks like people just called him Ernst

Born: July 29, 1889

Died: September 29, 1953

Nationality: German

Hometown: Apenrade, Province of Schleswig-Holstein (now Denmark)


Occupation: Ernst started out as a teacher, and then he got drafted. He was wounded in Russia's Bolshevik Revolution, and when he came home, he got into politics. He served as the mayor of West Berlin from 1948 until his death in 1953.

Education: Philipps-Universitat Marburg; passed teaching exams


Parents: Probably

Siblings: Possibly?

Spouses: Lotte Krappek (divorced in 1927); Hanna Kleinert

Children: Edzard (Etza) Reuter and two other children not important enough to be named anywhere (seriously, anywhere)

Friends: Louisa Schroeder; Otto Suer; communists, but only until Hitler and Stalin and those guys ruined it for him.—after that, he was a changed man

Foes: Communists, especially those responsible for attempting to starve his city and for exiling him and his family to Turkey


Ernst Reuter was no shrinking violet.

In 1947, he was elected Lord Mayor of West Berlin, after he was injured in Russia's Bolshevik Revolution and taken prisoner, sent to a concentration camp by German Nazis, and exiled to Turkey for two years.

It's probably safe to say our guy didn't take any guff.

He was a loyal communist supporter, but he also was the leader of West Berlin during the Berlin blockade of 1948-49. His appeals to the city's Western allies during the blockade saved it from starvation, which was much appreciated by the population of the city.