Tear Down This Wall: And in Closing… (Sections 29-30, sentences 129-133) Summary

One Final Dig…and a Little More Love

  • Reagan wraps up his speech with a little something for all of the demonstrators out there. He basically asks them if they realize that, if they had the kind of government they were supporting with their protests, they wouldn't be able to protest at all.
  • He doesn't come right out and say it, but he's referring to the fact that communist regimes are typically very repressive and often take away the individual liberties of their peeps, such as the right to assemble and protest stuff.
  • In the finale, Reagan thanks his audience and says, "God bless you all" (133).
  • This isn't unusual in the Western world, but religious references—even the innocuous "God bless"—weren't all that common in the secular communist world.